Black Lives Matter Protester Targeted by US Police In Racist Tinged Arrest Pleads For Help


My name is Nate Shepherd i was arrested May 31st and spent 3 day’s in jail . While peacefully protesting downtown Columbus , Ohio. I have never been arrested prior , or been in any legal trouble . I was targeted and arrested for Felony Fleeing w a Gun Spec. and Obstruction of Offical Business (felony) with a gun Specification as well. In which my Indictment came back and i now have to fight this case.

As i was only clearing the area due to lock-down . I never knew they were after me . I had no reason to flee w 4 minors in my car i wanted to get them home safely. I have my CCW and expressed my right to Bear Arms for my community and the importance of the Black Man . But the police put out an image of me as something i was not.

I’m not a drug dealer (hints the bag that was found in my truck , was Mirlax) I have a 4 year old son that was constipated. Since being arrested if been fired from my Job as an electrician and Kicked out of school for bogus reason days after my arrest.

So at this point I’m rebuilding my life. I’m asking for nothing more than a good lawyer to help me get back to my life and beat this corrupt justice system.

I already had a GoFundMe to go towards bills and stuff when i got out and I’m thankful for that. If anyone wanted to donate towards legal fees my CashApp is in the comments i appreciate you all Thank you. #BLM


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