Akpata NBA Victory, Inibehe Effiong Speaks


The main history should not be the fact that you’ve defeated two Senior Advocates in the polls. The main history will be for you to defend the interest of lawyers, confront ethical deficits in the legal profession, promote reforms in the legal system and defend the rule of law.

Barrister Effiong further went on to say, “Let’s stop spreading the false narrative that Olumide Akpata is an underdog. Olumide is in the heart/soul of the establishment. His legal practice has no place for the poor. His elite law firm, Templars, is pro-establishment. Olumide is believed to be richer than his opponents.”

Barr. Effiong further stated “I understand the furore over the fact that a non-SAN won the election. Many lawyers, especially young lawyers, are disenchanted with what they perceive as the entitlement mentality of Senior Advocates. Olumide Akpata is not a SAN. But he is also not an underdog.” He ended his Twitter conversation by stating “Time will tell whether the emergence of Olumide represents a historical shift in leadership paradigm. Successive Presidents of the Bar have been unable to fight for the interest of lawyers. They failed to defend the rule of law. Olumide has no history of activism. Let’s watch.”


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