7 things to do after an interview


1. Ask about next steps

During the final moments of your interview, ask when, how and with whom you should follow-up with. This will show continued interest and excitement about the position while also being mindful that the decision-making process can take some time.

2. Jot down notes from the interview

After leaving the interview (whether in-person or virtually), it is important to take a few minutes to reflect on your experience.

Ask yourself: How do I feel about the job? Am I still interested? Are there any additional questions I have?

Highlight key points: Make note of any specific discussions from your interviews that you would like to reference when you write thank you notes. Taking the time immediately after an interview when your conversations are still top of mind will save you a headache later

3. Write thank you notes

Writing a timely and personalized note to each person you interviewed with could be the difference between getting the job and not.

Best practice is to send thank you letters within two hours of your interview. This will make a larger impact and stay fresh on the interviewer’s mind, however, the quality of your thank you letter is much more important than the speed. If you’re unable to send a personalized email that quickly, aim to send within 24 hours after your interview.

It is important to show that you’ve reflected on the unique particulars of each conversation you had. Key things to include in each thank you note are:

  • reiterate your interest in the company and the role
  • speak to specific things from the conversation and what you learned about the position that makes you even more interested
  • Sending a copy/paste thank you note to everyone you interviewed with will not set you apart from the competition

4. LinkedIn:

If you haven’t done so already, now would be a good time to connect on LinkedIn with the person/people you have interviewed with. Taking the time to look over the interviewer’s background and connect with them reconfirms your interest in the role and company.

5. Check your application status

Waiting during the selection process may be the most challenging part of interviewing. You’ve done everything you can do up to this point, and all that’s left is waiting to hear. Once you’ve checked in with your recruiter following your interviews and they’ve provided next steps/timeline, you may still be looking for updates. If you are, have no fear!

6. Leave an interview review on Glassdoor

With your interview still fresh in your mind, now is a great time to leave an interview review on Glassdoor. Sharing your experience with future candidates and feedback with our team helps us continue to provide a positive and transparent recruitment process.

7. Relax

You’ve done everything you can do! Take a deep breath and relax


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