Knowing These 5 Job Search Trends Could Give You the Edge


1. Flexible work is here to stay

Research has found that half of employees currently working remotely would look for another job if their employer required them to return to the office full time. In response to this trend, many employers are offering flexible work arrangements for the long term, including full-time remote work.

Not only does remote work help people maintain a better work-life balance, but it also has the added benefit of allowing candidates to expand their job search geographically. Not having to go into an office means you aren’t limited to positions in your local area. Instead, you can look for employers across the country who urgently need the experience and skills you possess — and may be willing to offer generous pay and benefits to access them.

2. Virtual interviews are part of the job search

If you apply for a remote job, your interview will likely be conducted virtually. So, be ready.

It remains important to prepare and dress like you would for an in-person interview. Also, make sure that your internet connection is strong, your video software is working correctly and that all at-home distractions are kept to a minimum.

3. Candidates want fulfilling, purpose-driven roles

Increasingly, employees are seeking opportunities that are professionally and personally fulfilling — and many workers are willing to leave their current positions to find them.

If you fall into this category, look for companies that invest in their employees’ professional development and that offer expanded employee benefits like paid time off, mental health services, childcare services or reimbursement, and even financial advisement.

Also, if it’s important that an employer’s practices align with your personal needs and values, don’t hesitate to do your research before an interview and ask a hiring manager to tell you more about the company’s commitments that matter most to you.

4. Online branding is playing a larger role

Companies are increasingly relying on a candidate’s online presence to help them evaluate their abilities and assess whether they will thrive in the company’s culture. So, make the point to cultivate and expand your online presence.

Build out job profile with a professional so that it showcases your work experience and skills in a compelling way. On that platform and other social media channels, try to engage with thought leaders in your field (you may be surprised at how responsive they are to your outreach). Also, proactively share content that reflects your interests and expertise.

5. In-demand candidates have more opportunity to ask for what they want

With low unemployment and continued high demand for skilled talent across many industries, many job seekers with in-demand skills and experience are likely to find they have ample room to negotiate with employers on compensation. That includes not only salary but also benefits and perks like flexible scheduling and generous vacation time.

Whatever offerings are most important to you, ask a hiring manager if they could be part of your overall compensation package. If your requests are reasonable, you may find that a potential employer is prepared to meet some or all of them.

One last thought: While these trends show that candidates have an advantage in today’s market, searching for a new position can still be a stressful and time-consuming experience. Job search trends come and go, but patience and resilience may still be the most valuable qualities a candidate can possess.


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